Success happens in the in-between


Success happens in the in-between.  How many of us are guilty of living our life in the extremes?  If you aren’t hitting the gym 4-5x a week, you aren’t going?  If you’re not eating chicken and vegetables, you’re chowing down on cookies and pizza?  If you’re not abstaining from alcohol, you’re binge drinking on the weekends? I know I did, for years.  And there are times I still have to remind myself not to live in the extremes.  Why?  Because for most of us extremes don’t work.  Plain and simple.  In our quest to be “perfect”, we end up burnt out, frustrated, and no further along then we started….yet with a whole lot more effort invested.


This is not the way to move towards your goals!  We move towards our goals by embracing a lifestyle change.  This does not mean you need to “act” as your “ideal” self right away.  There is a whole continuum of “better” on the road to your ideal self.  But if you pass up opportunities to be better, in order to be perfect, you will continue to struggle.  Because no one is perfect!  I mean, what is perfect anyways?!


So as you look at today, your upcoming weekend, or your next event, ask yourself: how can I be just a little bit better?  Can you have 1 drink less?  Can you exercise for 15 minutes instead of skipping it?  Can you have a veggie pizza instead of a meat lovers?  And the more times you choose “better”, you raise your personal bar.  And it becomes that much easier to stay there!


If you'd like to work on being a little bit better, grab a free copy of my Superfast Suppers Cheatsheet.  It is a 5 recipe guide that provides meals that are ready within 20 minutes,  requires almost no cooking skills, and have both protein and veggies.



The best exercise for weight loss is.....


I'll Start Tomorrow.....