3 tips to look great in your wedding dress


You’re getting married...congrats!  If you are like any of the brides I have coached, you want to look AMAZING in your wedding dress!  Don’t worry, I have you covered.


There are 3 things you should focus on in the months leading up to your wedding day to give you the bridal body you desire:


  1. Lifting weights - focus on a program that targets the 3 areas (shoulders, back, & butt) that most wedding dresses show off.  Stop stressing over your abs - they’ll be corseted in almost all dresses anyway! I’ve included 2 sample workouts in my free Bridal Body Guide.


  1. Cardio - keep it short and intense.  You’ll get the same health benefits, but you’ll free up time, compared to long, steady state cardio


  1. Diet - While exercise will shape your body, it doesn’t do much to drop weight.  If you have fat to lose, you will want to change your diet to make the most out of the hard work you’re putting into the gym. In my free Bridal Body Guide, I will give you the 2 diet changes you need to focus on. If you stop eating before you’re stuffed AND you employ the 2 changes, you should see some fat loss victories!


This is a very exciting but stressful time for a new bride...this may not be the time to change EVERYTHING about your diet and exercise routine!  If you have fat to lose, focus on your diet first. Next, focus your exercise routine on lifting weights. And finally, add the cardio intervals for that final bump.




Emotional Eating: The second step to taking back control


Emotional eating and the first step in taking back control