Discomfort VS Judgment


Sitting with discomfort is not the same thing as sitting in judgment of yourself.

When you really commit to change, you are going to feel discomfort.  I tell my clients to start getting comfortable with discomfort because that means you are growing!

And once you realize that most of the thoughts/stories you tell yourself about your circumstances are creating your discomfort, it can get REALLY uncomfortable for folks.  But it doesn’t have to! How you choose to look at your thoughts and actions can allow you to move forward or stay stuck.

Let’s just say you have behaved in a way you are not proud of.  You do some mental investigation of the situation and realize that part of the reason you acted that way happened because you had some type of negative loop going on in your head.  Once you realize that, you have two choices:

You can sit with the discomfort of knowing that your thoughts created that crummy outcome, allow yourself to feel those emotions, and show yourself some compassion for being human!  (FYI, negative emotions pass rather quickly when you allow yourself to feel them instead of resisting them or numbing them with food, drink, work, shopping, etc)


You can beat yourself up over the action and continue to manifest even more negative emotions: regret, shame, embarrassment. These emotions, left unchecked, will keep you making even more poor choices.

The former allows you to grow because you are showing yourself acceptance.  The latter keeps you stuck.

Do yourself a favor, stop judging yourself when you make “mistakes!”  Just pay attention - figure out what started the results/actions you want to get rid of.  Then figure out how you can learn from that situation.

If you feel stuck, I’d love to help!  Schedule a complimentary 30-minute call with me and let’s see if I can move you forward!



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