I need help controlling my cravings!


This example is why restrictive dieting doesn’t work.

I was speaking to a woman about coaching and she was giving me some background on her weight loss journey.  Her last “successful” diet basically looked like this: She got on a program that made her take a bunch of specialty supplements for phase 1, phase 2 was Keto, and phase 3 was more supplements and 600 calories a day from food.  Her question to me (since gaining much of the weight back, but still trying to adhere somewhat closely to this routine) is why she was still having so much trouble with sugar? Why couldn’t she just have 1 cookie and be done?

I didn’t wonder why she couldn’t have one cookie….I wondered why she wasn’t eating 10 cookies!

That kind of restriction is the breeding ground for binge eating and out of control cravings!  If you want long-term success, you have to start with making small changes from where you’re at and like what you’re eating along the way.

If you find your cravings are hitting you pretty hard, that’s your body telling you that some part of the eating or habit equation is wrong…please listen! I’m not talking about the times you’re in the mood for a certain type of food. I’m talking about the times when you feel like you might stab someone for a brownie!  (Kidding! Kinda)

If you have trouble eating normal portion sizes of sugary/salty/fatty foods or feel like your cravings for those types of foods are more intense than the average person, you’re likely making one of the 5 mistakes I have identified in my Kick Your Cravings cheat sheet. I give you a common craving creating mistake, along with a solution, that you can change immediately that will help you combat your cravings. 

Photo: @arminas on IG



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