Why We Overeat - Part 3: Check your Head


I’m going to finish our series by showing you how to continue to flourish!  Just like all things in life, emotional eating is no different:

What you reinforce continues to grow.

“Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become.” James Clear

One of the exercises I have my clients do early on in our coaching is “The Future You.”  Simply put, I have people write out the future version of themselves as vividly as possible, in the present tense.  You will write out how you are thinking, what you are doing, how you look, how your relationships have changed, etc.

The idea is to start acting “as if.”  As if you were already that person. Do you think the garbage thoughts you have about yourself now will still be there in the future?  If not, get rid of them now. Do you think your future you will love and treat her body with worthiness? If so, do that now! Will the future you treat her stress and boredom with food and drink?  If not, stop doing that now.

And whenever you are in doubt, start asking yourself:  “how would the future me act in this situation?”

If you want to lower your work stress by being more organized, you might ask yourself: “what would an organized me do in this situation?”

Make sense?

This doesn’t mean you won’t have slip ups along the way!  Falling back into comfortable habits is normal and you should expect it to happen from time to time.  

The key is just to notice what about that particular situation made you fall back into the habit? And adjust accordingly.

If you think the same thoughts and do the same things, you will never get to where you are going!  But change is absolutely possible...you just have to truly believe that it is!

As always, if you need help changing your beliefs or need someone to help you when you get stuck, I’m available for 1:1 coaching.  Schedule a free mini-session with me and see if I am a good fit for you!



4 Reasons why Water will Help you Lose Weight


Why We Overeat - Part 2: Making Change