My Top 3 Books for Weight Loss
I get how confusing it is to try and lose weight. There are a million different people hawking a million different solutions. Your friend is dropping pounds doing Beach Body workouts. You hear all this hype in the media about keto diets. And then you have the whole body positivity movement telling you to just love yourself the way you are.
So let me try to simplify things for you! If I wanted to truly figure out how to lose weight AND keep it off without having to count calories and food restrict, here are the 3 books I would pick up:
Normal Eating for Normal Weight by Sheryl Canter
Tiny Habits by BJ Phogg
Loving What Is by Byron Katie
And if you like to overachieve and just want another book to make you feel great and laugh out loud, check out You Are A Badass by Jen Sincero.
In my coaching, I combine my knowledge of nutrition along with habit design and the psychology of change….also read as fixing the problem of “I know what to do, I just can’t seem to do it!” I think these 3 books capture this mix.
Normal Eating addresses emotional eating...which let’s be honest, most of us suffer from. Rummaging thru the pantry when we don’t want to do our work, eating on the couch after dinner while you’re watching TV, and continuing to eat past full because the food tastes soooo good....every single one of those is emotional eating.
Tiny Habits will show you how little changes can lead to big results! It also addresses one of the most important parts of change: making things easier and feeling better. Humans do best when they feel good!
Loving What Is addresses one of the topics I find trip most of my clients up: “the shoulds” and our beliefs. While I don’t agree with everything Katie says in this book, her “turnaround process” is incredibly helpful!
If you have a book that you think should be on my list, write me back and let me know! I would love to hear from you.
PS. I don't receive any money from these links or these suggestions. It's my own personal opinion.