My Recent Decision


I’ve recently decided that I want to make some body composition changes.

Although my weight hasn’t changed in the last 10 years (yes, it can fluctuate up & down 3-5lbs...but that’s normal), I’ve noticed my composition has changed.

Maybe it’s that I eat less meat. Or I’m peri-menopausal. Or that the pandemic has me baking and eating more sweets. Or that I’ve ditched the gym (for now) and don’t have access to really heavy weights. Who knows? Regardless, I’ve made the decision to change.

Not because there’s anything wrong with how I look. In fact, I actually have very little food drama and don’t talk to myself like a jerk about my body.

It just doesn’t feel aligned with how I view me. I like muscles. And I like more visible muscles!

So before I started I decided to ask myself what I was willing to change and what I wasn’t.

I find this exercise particularly useful because it’s so tempting to beat yourself up for changes that you don’t even want to do! Somehow the “shoulds” start creeping in.

And if there is one thing I know, it’s thinking I “should be doing more/better/cleaner” always makes me feel like shit. And feeling like shit never fuels me to make changes for the right reasons.

So here’s what I’ve decided:

  • I’m not willing to give up dessert or alcohol. I am willing to change quantities.

  • I am willing to add in an extra serving of veggies per day.

  • I’m not willing to eat more meat. Instead, I’m willing to supplement with protein powder or a bar.

  • I’m not willing to join a gym, give up yoga, or spin class. I am willing to change my weight lifting to be more effective.

And I’m going to experiment. I may or may not make all these changes at once.

I will know by watching my thoughts. If I find that these changes are taking up too much mental real estate, I’ll dial it back. If it feels good, I’ll keep it.

And I’m going to work on feeling proud of every time I make a tiny improvement!

What about you? Is there anything you’re willing to change or not change? If so, jump on my newsletter, that’s where all the conversations happen!



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