Do you feel like you've tried everything?!


Do you feel like you’ve tried EVERYTHING but just aren’t getting lasting results?!

So many women I talk to tell me they have been working on their weight for years, they’ve done multiple diets, they are killing it in the gym, they eat “healthy”, yet they don’t have the body they want.

If you’ve been working on this weight loss thing for more time than you care to admit, you might be making 1 of the 4 common mistakes I see.   Today, let’s dive into the first one:

You are not eating in a “forever way.”

What do I mean by this?  Whatever dietary changes you are making, you have to be willing to make them FOREVER.  

You will know if you are not eating in a forever way if:

  • Your weekend eating varies greatly from your weekday eating

  • The plan you are following has an end date.  Meaning, you will stop eating this way when you get to your desired weight

  • You have restricted foods.  Foods that you hate giving up, but will, for now.

  • You aren’t eating your favorite foods and you have no strategy in place to do so

So how do you change it?  Start where you are. No massive overhauls.

  1. Start by taking an honest assessment of how you are currently eating.  

  2. Pick one small thing that you can change that will make your eating a “little bit better.” 

  3. Commit to this practice EVERY DAY.

  4. As each change gets easier, keep making more improvements.

Progress happens in small, actionable steps, done daily. And if you’d like to see if you are making one of the other 3 mistakes, grab the download. I tell you the mistake, why it’s important, and how to change it. These shifts can be the difference between sustainable weight loss and staying on the diet hamster wheel.



3 Easy Steps to Start Losing Weight


I deserve this....