Feel Better Now - Part 2 w/ worksheet


Last week I told you there are typically 2 ways I see my clients getting stuck feeling crummy and believing they can’t get to their goals.

The first was blaming “everything else”...things like coronavirus, the kids schedule, busy work etc. They are waiting for things to get better so they can do better (pssst, that never happens!)

This week I’m going to cover the second logjam: Getting stuck on how things should be.

(If you missed last week, you can read it here and get the worksheet.)

When you spend your energy getting upset and frustrated over how things should be or how people should act, there are 2 big problems:

  1. You are arguing with reality. And according to Byron Katie, when you argue with reality, you only lose 100% of the time!

  2. You are trying to control other people. And if there’s one thing you should know by now, it’s that the only person you can control in this world is yourself.

By blaming other people or getting stuck in how things should be, you’re giving away your power. You are letting your life be dictated by someone other than yourself.

While you may not choose what happens to you, You ALWAYS have a choice in how to respond. And that’s great news!

This means you have the power to change the trajectory of your life. You have the power to feel better.

All you have to do is question your beliefs. I know that your beliefs feel true, but beliefs aren’t facts. And if your beliefs are keeping you from what you truly want in life, it’s time to question them.

Grab the cheatsheet and start to feel better now. Ditch the beliefs that aren’t serving you!



Diets Don't Work


Don't wait, feel better NOW!