Don't wait, feel better NOW!

Who else is feeling like "it's crazy right now?!"

 Are you finding yourself saying things like, "I don't have time for that, with everything else that's going on…" 

If so, good news, your brain is doing just what it's supposed to do! 

Want better news? You can retrain your brain to do better. 

Chances are if you are responding this way to the coronavirus, you typically respond the same way in general. This pattern is what you need to break….the coronavirus is just exacerbating something that is already there. 

Here's what it looks like: 

I can't do xyz...maybe when the kids' schedule settles down…. 


Work is so busy right now, I just don't have time for….. 

Before you know it, you find yourself always responding to what is urgent instead of what you want/value. Your brain feels overwhelmed, you feel overloaded, yet nothing of importance to you is getting done. 

So how do you fix it? You start by getting off auto-pilot, check-in with yourself, and question your thoughts. 

There are 2 things that are typically happening. I'll cover one this week and the other one next week.

What most of us don't realize that everything that happens in this world is just is what it is. It's not negative or positive until we judge it. 

(I've created a worksheet to walk you through this process.)

Here's how you know it's your thoughts/judgments about the situation, not the situation itself, causing the issue. Think about the first example of the kids' schedule. 

The complete thought might be something like this, "I don't have time to focus on my health until the kid's schedule settles down. I'm too busy ferrying them from place to place." 

Now ask yourself if you know one person who has kids and is also taking care of their health? I guarantee you do. So you know this thought - not having time to focus on your health because of your kid's schedule - is not 100% true (as much as you may hate to admit it!) 

I know it feels true for you. So how do you start to change? 

I've created a 4 question process inspired by the work of Byron Katie and Brooke Castillo. You'll start questioning your thoughts, one at a time, and asking yourself these 4 questions. 

  1. Can I be 100% sure this thought is true? 

  2. When I think this, how do I feel? 

  3. Based on this feeling, is there a stress-free reason to hold onto this thought? 

  4. What would you like to think instead? 

By using these 4 questions, you can gain some perspective. Once you can look at the “truth” of the situation, you can make an action plan to feel better.

The cheatsheet will walk you through this exercise!



Feel Better Now - Part 2 w/ worksheet


Why Being in a State of Commitment is More Valuable than Making Commitments!