She thinks it's the dessert


My client struggles believing she can lose weight and still eat sweets.

Her brain wants to tell her that weight loss and dessert can’t go together. That to lose weight she has to give up the foods that make her happy.

When you tell yourself that, you’re telling yourself the body you want will cost you dessert. You might be willing to do that for a hot minute, but what about long-term?

Whether you realize it or not, you’ve given your brain a really crappy choice: Have the body you want or eat dessert. Who wants to make that deal?! No wonder weight loss is difficult….you want both things!

We like to think in black and white scenarios. Either or’s. All or nothing. When in reality the solution is quite simple, it’s the gray area.

It’s not whether you can eat dessert...or chips, or pasta, or whatever...and lose weight. It’s whether you can eat the same amount and lose weight.

Changing the volume of food you eat is one of the easiest things you can do to start dropping the ole LB’s. There’s no cutting out huge food groups, favorite foods, or dessert after dinner. It’s simply enjoying all those things in a smaller quantity.

Try playing around with amounts and tell me how it goes!



Why do I keep eating Christmas cookies?!


Need some motivation?!