You need to know this to solve your problem


I was raised to never buy the first thing I saw. Maybe I could find something better? Maybe I could find the same thing cheaper? I should know all my options before making a decision.

While well-intentioned (and great if you have more time than money), it often left me plagued with indecision. I could waste 10 minutes at the grocery store reading labels for beans before being able to make a decision and move on! 😜

This indecision was almost crippling at the beginning of my business. While it took me a while to work up to using this advice properly, I remember hearing the words of Jonathan Goodman (a guru in the fitness/business space) giving me some of the best advice of my life:

And I’m paraphrasing, but I think you’ll get the idea:

Make a list of what you need to solve your current problem. As soon as you find a solution that meets the criteria on your list, purchase and move on.

If you go in with no plan, you’ll soon be distracted by bells & whistles that you don’t need. Best case scenario, you waste a bunch of time before making the decision. Worst case scenario, you make no decision because you got overwhelmed!

This is so similar to what I see when I get a new client.

Oftentimes the women that come to me are entrenched in “shoulds.” They are so busy listening to someone else (be it friends, spouse, coworkers, or even society), they haven’t taken the time to get clear on what they actually want/need to solve the problem.

Listen, no one will ever agree on the best way to handle your body!

So if you’re taking in everyone else’s opinion, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and do nothing.

That is where I come in. My job isn’t to tell you what to do either. My job is to help you clean up your own thinking so that you can do what YOU think is best for you.

So if you feel a little lost or frustrated, schedule a free call with me. Regardless of whether we decide to work together, you will walk away with clarity on what you actually need. How you go about achieving that is totally up to you, Boo!



Inbox Zero and Loving Your Body


What people get wrong about body positivity