Your Number One Priority for Weight Loss


When I start coaching a new client, most women ask or say things like this:

 Should I eat breakfast?

I know I should cut carbs….

I should probably stop drinking…

Do I have to start eating smaller meals, multiple times a day?

Here’s the deal...don’t do ANY of those things!

The first thing - and only thing - you need to worry about when it comes to food is eating ONLY when you’re hungry. (Here’s a worksheet that will help a ton!)

I’m not saying you will never need to worry about what you are eating, but it’s never the first priority.  Eating only when hungry and stopping before you’re too full, will govern cake just as easily as apples.

What you will notice if you pay attention, is that you often eat for reasons other than hunger...hello emotional eating!  (Don’t be confused, emotional eating can happen with positive emotions too!).

While you may need help figuring out how to stop emotional eating, the first step in the process can be started now, by you!  You just need awareness.

Stop judging your “food failures” and start gathering info!  So much of our overeating is habitual and if we stop and pay attention we will start to notice patterns.  The key is to interrupt the pattern before we end up face-first in the nachos!

Here are some things to look for:

Who is around me? (or not around me)

Where am I at?

What time of day is it?

What was happening before I started eating? (Sometimes this can start hours in advance)

I have a detailed worksheet you can grab that will help you! Every time you notice that you have eaten when you weren’t hungry, binged, or eaten way past full, fill out the worksheet.  It won’t take long before you start to notice your patterns.



Awareness can create change


It's not the food...