Awareness can create change
If you’re ready to start changing your relationship with food and eating, an easy first step is to become a detective.
Don’t change anything, just start observing. Gather the data!
Pay attention to:
When you eat
What you like to eat
Who you like to eat with
Where you’re located when you eat
You’ll start to notice you have patterns...certain times of day, people, or places will trigger your eating habit. In fact, most of what we do is habitual. Grab this worksheet to help you notice your triggers!
When you’re busy, most of life gets put on autopilot. That means you aren’t paying in the “unthinking state”, the brain just chooses to do the things it’s always done.
The most helpful thing you can do for yourself is to become aware: know your patterns, pay attention to your thoughts, notice your emotions.
When you know your trigger then you can interrupt the cycle before it ever gets to your trigger point!
I’ve created a worksheet to make awareness easier! When you notice yourself overeating, bingeing, or eating when you’re not hungry, take a moment to fill out the worksheet. It won’t take long before you become aware of what your triggers are. And even if you think you know, the worksheet will help you identify the root cause.