How to Feel without Food
The way you do one thing in life is the way you’ll do most things.
I recently had to relearn that lesson! For years, I had insecurity about my body and it’s appearance….even when I lost all the extra weight.
Whenever I felt especially insecure or acutely aware of weight discrepancies among myself and others around me, I would eat or drink. I did it as an overt way to show people that I didn’t have any body issues. I could eat what I wanted and not feel ashamed! Look at me, I’m fun!
Meanwhile, inside, I had a very different dialogue going on! And I hated that dialogue, so I tried to cover it up by being overtly the opposite. I didn’t know how to sit with those emotions without being drowned by them.
Recently, I noticed myself doing the EXACT SAME THING with my business. I would find myself comparing my progress to others and feeling jealous or bummed. When I noticed what was going on, I hated myself even more. I didn’t align with those emotions...I wanted new ones! I wanted positive emotions.
Sound familiar? The inside is in turmoil, but the outside is trying to be happy.
When you start to notice the negative, unhelpful chatter that your brain is offering you...and you’re acting on it by want to change it ASAP!
But here’s the problem, you can’t change it until you can feel it. And I mean being able to sit with the discomfort, without catastrophizing it, and letting it be there. And not using food as a distraction or reward! When you can do’re working on being “in neutral.”
You can learn how NOT to comfort yourself with food. Because you’ve learned that you can actually feel any emotion...that you’re strong enough to handle it!
If you’d like to learn how to stop using food to change your emotional state (get rid of stress, provide comfort, “reward” your hard work/long day, etc) grab the guide.
I’ll show you in 3 quick steps how you can learn to deal with your emotions without food.